September 2014 Trip-Home Is Where the Heart Is

Movie Night with the Law Fellowship Leadership team
Over the last couple of years Dan, Mark and Margaret have found the most meaningful “ah ha” moments in discipleship have happened when we are doing ministry from the apartment on the Uganda Christian University campus.  The apartment has become our “home away from home” and also is a place to show hospitality to current and former students, faculty and staff, local and international pastors, and ministry partners. 

On an average day you might find us in the early morning at the Honors College sharing a devotional with 15-20 students or later having students drop by between classes for a muffin, warm from the oven.
  In the afternoon we schedule appointment averaging 2 hours each to meet with students who want to discuss their careers, develop their CVs/Resumes or to discuss relationship issues.  When dinner comes around you find all of us cooking, sometimes with students helping us because they want to learn how to cook on western appliances.   We have small dinner parties almost every night to reconnect with university staff members, ministry partners like Navigator leaders and their spouses who need some pampering. Many times you find 20 budding law students or honors students huddled in the small sitting room watching a Christian movie, eating popcorn…ready to discuss how the theme is relevant to their lives. 
Dinner with Adrine and Miiro
before they married.
Writing CVs and eating popcorn

Mark discussing freedom in
Christ to students

Earl discussing careers with Alfonse
The common thread is one on one chats about what the Lord is doing in our lives.  Whether it is evaluation our dreams in the future with God’s guidance, encouraging each other in prayer, developing our God-given problem-solving skills to developing a business plan or just sharing life; it is a rich time of building memories and sharpening one another biblically.

In the future we will be offering trips for a few people who might want to participate in lifestyle discipleship on campus.  As we develop Kingdom View there will be many opportunities to join in a variety of activities.